T-Mobile and Vodafone have made calls from their networks to Ukraine completely free - Best Work 4You
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T-Mobile and Vodafone made calls from their networks to Ukraine completely free

The largest Czech mobile operators T-Mobile and Vodafone made calls from their networks to Ukraine completely free. Thus, the companies decided to support their clients, many of whom are closely related to Ukraine.

A few days before the Russian aggression, the number of calls between the countries increased by 20-30%, and after the invasion, this figure increased sharply to 900%.

"We want to provide immediate help to those who are trying to contact their families and friends. All calls from our network to Ukraine are now free," Vodafone representative Ondrzej Lushtynets said.

Calls to T-Mobil, as well as all so-called "virtual operators" with which it cooperates, became free.

"Taking into account the current difficult situation, we canceled the fee for calls and SMS between the Czech Republic and Ukraine for all our clients, as well as clients of Kaktus and MOBIL.CZ. We want to help everyone who needs to remain in continuous contact with their loved ones," said Zuzana Svobodova, a representative of the company.

In turn, the O2 operator will transfer Ukraine from the zone of countries with international roaming to the EU zone, where there is no roaming, from tomorrow. This applies to both Czech and Slovak clients of the network. They will be able to call Ukraine under the same conditions as Czech numbers.