Salary calculator - calculate how much you can earn in the Czech Republic - Best Work 4You
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Salary calculator - calculate how much you can earn in the Czech Republic

Not everyone and not always manages to find a job in their home country. Therefore, employment abroad often becomes a lifeline. Today, many European countries have made the rules for employment of foreign citizens easier and more accessible, because they are experiencing a shortage of personnel in some industries. The search for vacancies abroad should be approached carefully, without making hasty decisions. You need to search for work only on verified sites, so as not to become victims of fraudsters. It should be noted that thanks to the possibilities of modern online technologies and proven services, you can find your dream job on your own. Most often, potential employees look for vacancies in neighboring countries. For example, in the Czech Republic. 

If you want to find a decent job with a good salary, get help in moving and looking for housing in a new place, we are ready to cooperate. Our long-term experience has proven that it is important for people abroad to get a comfortable atmosphere, a cozy house or apartment, a stable salary and psychological support during the adaptation period.

Salary calculation in the Czech Republic

Calculator for calculating salary

Before going to a foreign country, you need to understand what conditions you will be offered there. An easy-to-use salary calculation calculator will help you calculate the amount of net profit after the necessary payments and understand how profitable this offer is for you. 

Enter information on the following points:

  • hours worked;
  • salary for time;
  • housing payment;
  • travel expenses (fuel);
  • nutrition;
  • mobile phone and Internet;
  • insurance and social security payments.

Next, send an application and receive a calculation in Czech crowns, the amount you will earn per month of your work.

Calculator for calculating salary

Where you can work

We offer all applicants vacancies in the following areas:

  • automobile industry;
  • food industry;
  • logistics, warehouses, distribution;
  • electronic and electrical industry;
  • retail and wholesale trade;
  • cleaning and housekeeping;
  • short-term vacancies (seasonal jobs).

After the first meeting, we will invite you to a free consultation. Our employees can count not only on obtaining the desired position, but also on support. We bring them to their place of work, and then to their place of residence in comfortable buses. We provide housing taking into account their wishes. We help you pass all medical examinations. When choosing a place of work, we take into account the education, skills, work experience, wishes and requirements of each candidate. Upon request, we provide an interpreter who is present directly at the client's workplace or at the client's training center. We provide insurance in case of an accident at work or a disease that occurs at the workplace.

We provide training for new employees before the start of the work process.

Calculator for calculating salary in the Czech Republic

How to search for vacancies

To search for a vacancy of interest to you, you need to go to the section of the same name, select the location: city or village that suits you and the category:

  • hotel;
  • restaurant;
  • factory;
  • plant;
  • storage; 
  • assembling;
  • work for married couples.

Then carefully study the offers that might suit you. Each vacancy contains a detailed description and contact details. Contact our managers for a consultation and start the process of preparing for the move. We have good offers for individual candidates, as well as for married couples. Everyone can find a vacancy according to their request.

We work with verified employers who actually offer the job and the conditions stated on the site. Our reputation is above all else, so everything is transparent and reliable. The Czech side is also counting on candidates who meet its requirements. We look for and find such candidates so that mutual cooperation is as productive as possible, and both parties receive their benefits.

How much can you earn in the Czech Republic?

Recommendations for those who are looking for work

And finally, some advice on job hunting:

  1. Set a clear goal.
  2. Treat the job search as a job: get fully involved in the process, search daily, always stay in touch.
  3. Actively respond to all vacancies that seem suitable to you!
  4. Update your resume: refresh your achievements, formulate and describe new ones, supplement them with numbers, facts, and results for a potential employer.
  5. Look wider and more globally. Get ready for the fact that you will have to look for work not only in your own, but also in related fields. 
  6. Cut the list of requirements and expected.
  7. Respond quickly, and you will find a decent job that will bring you not only good money, but also pleasure from the process!

The positive reviews of our clients, who have been working productively for a long time in the Czech Republic and other European countries, speak for us. If you are morally ready to go abroad to improve the financial situation of your family, welcome to our agency. We will help a specialist of any level to realize himself where he wishes.